Computational Many Body Methods |
Mark Jarrell
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge LA 70803
E-mail: jarrellphysics at
Lecture Notes
Lecture 1: The Equilibrium Green Function Method |
Lecture Notes in pdf |
Lecture 2: Dynamical Mean Field and Dynamical Cluster Approximation |
Lecture notes in pdf |
Lecture 3: Hirsh Fye and Continuous time Quantum Monte Carlo Methods |
Lecture notes in pdf |
Lecture 4: The Maximum Entropy Method for analytic continuation of QMC data |
Lecture notes in pdf. See also codes, and our Physics Reports review. |
Lecture 5: the non-equilibrium Green function method |
Lecture Notes in pdf |
Useful References (print):
”Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics” by Abrikosov, Gorkov and Dzyalozinskii. (Dover Paperback) - Classic text from the sixties, known usually as AGD.
“A guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many-Body problem” by R. D. Mattuck. (Dover Paperback) A light introduction to the subject.
“Many Particle Physics”, by G. Mahan (Plenum Press), an exhaustive treatise.
“Quantum Theory of Many Particle Systems”, by Fetter and Walecka (Dover paperback). A formal exposition.
“Green's Functions and Condensed Matter”, by Rickayzen. A nice discussion of Green functions, and many-body theory.
“Quantum Field-theoretical method in Transport Theory of Metals”, by J. Rammer and H. Smith, Rev. Mod. Phys. 58, 323 (1986).
“Keldysh and Doi-Peliti Techniques for out-of-Equilibrium Systems” Alex Kamenev, preprint, cond-matt/0109316.
“Ab Initio modeling of quantum transport...”, by J. Taylor, H. Guo and J. Wang, PRB 63 245407.
''Quantum Kinetics in Transport and Optics of Semi-conductors'', H. Haug and A.-P. Jauho.
''Quantum Statistical Mechanics'', L.P. Kadanoff and G. Baym (1962).
L.P. Keldysh, JETP 20, 1018 (1965).
Useful References (Web):
“Many Body Theory” by Chetan Nayak.
Acknowledgements: The development of this courseware was supported by the National Science foundation. I would like to thank J. Keller and H.R. Krishnamurthy for sharing their knowledge and course materials.