This page contains links for an introductory graduate course in Solid State Physics. This semester it is being taught in room 106 Nicholson Hall from 10:30-11:30 MWF (see the LSU calendar for important dates). For a more complete description of the course, please see the course syllabus. All of the original material is copyrighted to prevent others from publishing it for profit. However, please feel free to use and distribute these course materials (profit free) to your students. Also, email submissions of solutions, chapters, revisions will be gladly accepted and posted on this site (especially those involving computer symbolic manipulation, simulations, and visualization). Presently, the notes and homework assignments are available for the first twelve chapters of the course. Homework solutions will only be posted for a few weeks after their due dates; however, they are available by request to Professors at other Universities (please send a regular-mail request written on letterhead to Mark jarrell, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge LA. Include your email address, and I will send you what I have). A public http subdirectory for each chapter can be accessed by clicking on the corresponding graphic. These materials are currently being revised, so please come back to this page for updates. Each of these (updated) subdirectories contains at least three files:

  1. chap#.pdf, PDF notes for chapter# (with embedded fonts)

  2. chap#.tex, a LaTeX version of chapter # notes (you will also need the latex macros, defs.tex)

  3., a zip file containing the corresponding pdf figures

First Half

Chapter 1. Chemical Bonding and Atomic Physics. Download: Latex Source , PDF notes, a zip file with the source and figures, the homework assignment or the solutions (last updated 1/17).

Chapter 2. Crystal Structures and Symmetry. Download: Latex Source , PDF notes, zip , the homework assignment or the solutions (last updated 1/17).

Chapter3. The Classical Theory of Crystal Diffraction. Download: Latex Source , full PDF notes, zip, the homework assignment or the solutions (look at Laurie Robinson's Solution to the Mathematica Scattering Problem) (last updated 1/17).

Chapter4. Crystal Lattice Dynamics and the Quantum Theory of Neutron Scattering. Download: Latex Source , full PDF notes, the zip archive, the homework assignment or the solutions. (last updated, 1/17)

Chapter5. Thermal Properties of Crystal Lattices. Download: Latex Source , PDF notes, the zip archive , the homework assignment or the solutions. (last updated, 1/17)

Chapter6. The Electronic Fermi Liquid. Download: Latex Source , full PDF notes, the zip file , the homework assignment or the solutions. (last updated, 1/17, now with Mott transition)

The grade will be determined by the homework (80%) and class participation (20%).

Second Half

Chapter 7. Band Structure of Solids. Download: the Latex Source , PDF notes, the zip file , (last updated, 3/17, now with Anderson Localization) the homework assignment or the homework solutions (Mathematica Notebook)

A lecture on Density Functional Theory (Roser Valenti)

Chapter 8. Magnetism. Download: the Latex Source , PDF notes, the zip file , the homework assignment or the homework solutions (last updated, 3/17, with criticality and exponents).

Chapter 9. Electronic Transport. Download: the Latex Source , PDF , zip , the homework assignment or the homework solutions (last updated, 3/17).

Chapter10. Superconductivity. Download: the Latex Source , PDF notes, the zip archive, the homework assignment or the homework solutions (last updated, 4/17 wtth Unconventional Superconductors).

Chapter 11. Dielectric Properties of Materials. Download: the Latex Source , full PDF notes, the zip archive, or the homework assignment (last updated, 1/17).

Chapter 12. Semiconductors. Download: the Latex Source, full PDF notes, the zip archive , or the homework assignment (last updated, 1/17).

The grade will be determined by the homework (80%) and class participation (20%).

E-mail: . Please contact me with corrections or bug reports.

This work was sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research, Materials Theory