Many Body Physics |
Mark Jarrell
rm. 202 Coates Hall (T, Th 9:00-10:20)
E-mail: jarrellphysics at
Please work with your classmates on the homework and assignments. Here is the class list thus far.
The course will also be offered at several locations:
Location | Lead Faculty | IT Staff |
LSU | Mark Jarrell | |
Notes from this and previous years are available in different formats here.
Class recordings
Tues 21 Jan 14:
Thurs 23 Jan 14:
Tues 4 Feb 14:
Thurs 6 Feb 14:
Tues 11 Feb 14:
Thurs 13 Feb 14:
Tues 18 Feb 14:
Thurs 20 Feb 14:
Tues 25 Feb 14:
Thurs 6 Mar 14:
Tues 11 Mar 14 Part1:
Tues 11 Mar 14 Part2:
Thurs 13 Mar 14.
Tues 18 Mar 14.
Thurs 20 Mar 14.
Tues 25 Mar 14.
Thurs 27 Mar 14.
Tues 1 Apr 14.
Thurs 3 Apr 14.
Tues 8 Apr 14.
Thurs 10 Apr 14.
Homework and Grading:
The course will be graded on the homework projects and class participation. I strongly encourage you to work together on all assignments and only hand in one assignment from the group. The class presentations of the projects and homework should rotate between students (so that the same student is not always presenting, etc.).
Useful References (print):
•“Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics” by Abrikosov, Gorkov and Dzyalozinskii. (Dover Paperback) - Classic text from the sixties, known usually as AGD.
•“A guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many-Body problem” by R. D. Mattuck. (Dover Paperback) A light introduction to the subject.
•“Many Particle Physics”, by G. Mahan (Plenum Press), an exhaustive treatise.
•“Quantum Theory of Many Particle Systems”, by Fetter and Walecka (McGraw-Hill). A formal exposition.
•“Green's Funtions and Condensed Matter”, by Rickayzen. A nice discussion of Green functions, and superconductivity.
•“Theory of Superconductivity” , by J.R. Schrieffer. An excellent discussion of the theory of conventional superconductivity.
•“Quantum Many-Particle Systems,” by J. Negele and H. Orland, A very nice path integral based discussion.
Useful References (Web, please send me your finds):
•”Introduction to Many-Body Physics” by Piers Coleman. - A modern approach to the subject. The best text available, independent of price.
•“Many Body Theory” by Chetan Nayak.
•An Introduction to Nonequilibrium Many-Body Theory, by Joseph Maciejko
•Eduardo Frandkin's notes on Second Quantization.
•Quantum Mechanics by Kevin Ingersent (including 2nd quantization)
Class Projects
The Eliashberg Equations (2002-2003).
This Eliashberg Code was developed by Roman Petrenko .
The Fluctuation Exchange Approximation (2003-2004).
This FLEX CODE, released under the GPL, was developed by Karlis Mikelsons, Thang Ba Hoang, Manori Jayasinghe, Venkateshwar Gangilinka, and Xuandong Zhoa. It is written in C++, to compile it you will need to link in the Numerical Recipes routine fourn.cpp.
The Eliashberg Equations (2004-2005).