Ilya Vekhter
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
Louisiana State University
group studies emergent phenomena in electronic systems. The concept of
collective, or emergent, behavior is central to modern science: most of
the world around us exhibits properties that its individual components
do not show. Rigidity of solids, ability of metals to conduct
electricity or heat do not have atomic (or subatomic) counterparts:
individual atoms are not rigid in the same sense as a wall is. These
qualities emerge only when a large number of atoms interact with one
another. Similar phenomena occur in the electronic properties: we know
everything about a single isolated electron, but once many electrons
start "talking" to each other, novel phenomena appear. Condensed matter
physics is at the forefront of understanding the emergent behavior.
In metals many novel phenomena arise due to interactions between
electrons that originally belonged to different atoms. Superconductivity
(the ability of a metal to conduct electrical current without losses,
now used in magnets for MRI imaging, in filters for telecommunication
equipment, and in levitating high-speed trains, among other
applications) and magnetic order (think refrigerator magnets) are two
examples of such collective effects. We are developing models of systems
where new electronic phenomena arise due to strong electronic
correlations, and work with experimental groups to test the predictions
of the theory and develop new understanding of real materials.
Currently our research focuses on the studies of heavy fermion
superconductors, materials with no inversion symmetry, and quantum
critical phenomena.