Experimental Method Reviews For the Experimental Method review, you should choose an experimental method, or a class of methods, typically used in experimental condensed matter physics and describe the basic experimental setup, what can be learned from these experiments, and perhaps give an example. This is to be done in six pages, excluding the titlepage, but including figures, using the Latex template Mat\_review.tex available on the anonymous ftp site (since LaTeX is the official typesetting language of the APS, this language MUST be used). You must register your topic for this paper in writing (by email to user jarrell) BEFORE the end of the sixth week of the quarter. FIGURES: Figures can be embedded in the LaTeX document. Be sure to cite the source for each figure in the aption. Examples are in Mat_review.tex. If you use scanned figures, BE SURE THAT YOU SCAN YOUR FIGURES WITH 300 DPI RESOLUTION (DO NOT USE COLOR!!!). If you use screen resolution (70 dpi), the printed figures are generally unreadable. If you use higher than 300 dpi resulution, then the figure files are too big, and will exceed your quota (as well as the quota on the coureware site). You should feel free to choose your own topic; however, several topics of interest (in no particular order) are Andreev reflection ARPES (angle-resolved photoemmision) Inverse Photoemission (BIS) Bulk Thermodynamic Properties Specific Heat measurements magnetic susceptibility (Faraday balance,..) Cathodoluminescense Infrared Absorption Low Temperature thermometry (RTD's, thermocouples...) Muon spin resonance Neutron scattering Photoluminesence Spectroscopy Time-resolved spectroscopies Transport measurements X-ray photoemission Use of the STM in molecular electronics Some subjects should be avoided as they have been done many times before, including Nuclear magnetic resonance Reflectivity/Optical conductivity STM SEM