This directory includes codes to simulate the 2D Ising model [1,2]. We will use these codes to visualize the system near criticality, perform finite size scaling and Monte Carlo RG calculations. This code was adapted from I had to fix several bugs. I was able to compile it with ifort -fast -o ising ising.f90 If your compiler is old, be sure to use 64 bit precision to prevent overflows and underflows. You may use xmgrace to plot the various quantities. I.e. to see the specific heat versus T, use xmgrace -block energy -bxy 1:4 the energy xmgrace -block energy -bxy 1:2 the susceptibility xmgrace -block magnetization -bxy 1:4 the magnetization xmgrace -block magnetization -bxy 1:2 For the finite size scaling calculations, the following compound command may prove useful ./Ising; mv energy energy_16; mv magnetization magnetization_16 To visualize the spins you must install idl or gdl (gnudl), and then run gdl .run see_spins.idl (Chinedu figured out how to do this). Some useful references 1. Jacques Kotze, Introduction to Monte Carlo methods for an Ising Model of a Ferromagnet, 2. Somendra M. Bhattacharjee and Avinash Khare, Fifty Years of the Exact solution of the Two-dimensional Ising Model by Onsager, 3. Lilian Witthauer and Manuel Dieterle