This page contains links for the first quarter of an introductory graduate course in Electrodynamics. For a more complete description of the course, please see the syllabi for Q1 or Q3, or click on the graphic embedded in this text to access the main course directory. All of the original material is copyrighted to prevent others from publishing it for profit. However, please feel free to use and distribute these course materials (profit free) to your students. Also, email submissions of solutions, chapters, revisions will be gladly accepted and posted on this site (especially those involving computer symbolic manipulation, simulations, and visualization). Presently, only the notes and homework assignments are available for  chapters 1-5 and 8,9,13 and 14 of (although courseware for another quarter, chapters 6,7,11 and 12, is available). Homework solutions will only be posted for a few weeks after their due dates; however, they are available by request to Professors at other Universities (please send a regular-mail request written on letterhead to Mark jarrell, Dept. of Physics, ML-0011, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH 45221-0011. Include your email address, and I will send you what I have). A http subdirectory for each chapter can be accessed by clicking on the corresponding graphic. Each of these subdirectories contains at least four files:  

  1., notes for the chapter # (Postscript printer file)

  2. chap#.pdf, a PDF version of the notes (with embedded fonts)

  3. chap#.tex, a LaTeX version of chapter # notes

  4. chap#.uu, a self-unpacking uuencoded file containing the corresponding postscript figures

First Quarter  (707)

Chapter 1. Introduction to Electrostatics. Download: the Latex Source (you will also need the latex macros, defs.tex), the full Postscript or PDF notes, just the figures ,the homework assignment or the solutions

Chapter 2. Boundary-value Problems in Electrostatics I. Download: the Latex Source , the full Postscript or PDF notes, just the figures , Randy's Mathematica examples [1,2], the homework assignment or the solutions

Chapter 3. Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics II. Download: the Latex Source , the full Postscript or PDF notes, just the figures , Randy's Mathematica examples [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], the homework assignment, or the solutions

Chapter 4. Multipoles; Macroscopic Media; Dielectrics. Download: the Latex Source , the full Postscript or PDF notes, just the figures, the homework assignment, or the solutions

Chapter 5. Static and Stationary Magnetic Fields. Download: the Latex Source , the full Postscript or PDF notes , Randy's Mathematica examples [1,2,3,4], just the figures, the homework assignment, or the solutions.

  Third Quarter (709) 

Chapter 8. Waveguides and Cavities. Download: the Latex Source , the full Postscript or PDF notes, just the figures ,the homework assignment or the solutions

Chapter 9. Radiation. Download: the Latex Source , the full Postscript or PDF notes, just the figures , the homework assignment or the solutions

Chapter 13. Charged Particle Collisions, Energy Loss, Scattering. Download: the Latex Source , the full Postscript or PDF notes, just the figures , the homework assignment, or the solutions

Chapter 14. Radiation by Moving Charges. Download: the Latex Source , the full Postscript or PDF notes, just the figures, the homework assignment, or the solutions


This work was sponsored by a National Science Foundation grant

This work was sponsored by the NSF