Dear Class, For your homework, please numerically (brute force) evaluate the first self energy diagram in the Migdal Eliashberg approach. (1) g^2 2w(k-k') Sigma (k,iwn) = T SUM ------------- ------------------------ k iwn iwn'-eps(k') (iwn-iwn')^2 - w(k-k')^2 k-k' iwn-iwn' --------- / \ / \ / \ / k' iwn' \ o-----------<-----------o k iwn g g choose some realistic parameters (or something close but which will make the calculation simpler), and show that it weakly depends on k, but strongly upon iwn. What does strong or weak mean in this context (i.e. compared to what)? Then evaluate the first crossing graph discussed in class (you may approximate the contribution to the self energy as k independent if you wish). (2) Sigma (k,iwn) = --------- / \ / \ / \ / \ o------<----o-----<-----o-----<-----o \ / \ / \ / \ / --------- (1) Show that this contribution is negligible compared to Sigma (k,iwn) (you could also evaluate simplest the vertex correction and compare it to g instead). Please work on this together, and prepare one presentation of the results.