This directory includes codes to simulate the 2D Ising model [1,2]. We will use these codes to visualize the system near criticality, perform finite size scaling and Monte Carlo RG calculations. This code was adapted from I had to fix several bugs. I was able to compile it with ifort -r8 -fast -o ising ising.f90 Note that I had to use double precision (-r8) to prevent overflows and underflows. You may use xmgrace to plot the various quantities. I.e. to see the specific heat versus T, use xmgrace -block energy -bxy 1:4 the energy xmgrace -block energy -bxy 1:2 the susceptibility xmgrace -block magnetization -bxy 1:4 the magnetization xmgrace -block magnetization -bxy 1:2 For the finite size scaling calculations, the following compound command may prove useful ./Ising; mv energy energy_16; mv magnetization magnetization_16 To visualize the spins you must install idl or gdl (gnudl), and then run gdl .run see_spins.idl (Chinedu figured out how to do this). Some useful references 1. Jacques Kotze, Introduction to Monte Carlo methods for an Ising Model of a Ferromagnet, 2. Somendra M. Bhattacharjee and Avinash Khare, Fifty Years of the Exact solution of the Two-dimensional Ising Model by Onsager, 3. Lilian Witthauer and Manuel Dieterle