program ising ! 2D Monte Carlo Simulation of Ising Model ! Lisa Larrimore, ! 3 May 2002 ! Physics 114 Final Project ! This program is adapted from the Ising Model program written in ! BASIC by Elaine Chandler that appears on p. 184 of David Chandler's ! Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics. ! The input parameters for this program are in "", and they ! allow the size, length, and initial configuration of the simulation ! to be changed. See comments in file. ! This program has three output files: ! ! "spin-array" Contains snapshots of the spin lattice at the end of ! each temperature run (or throughout the middle of the ! run, if only looking at one temperature). Can be ! visualized with the IDL program ! ! "magnetization" Contains four columns: each temperature, the ! average magnetization at that temp, the ave magnetizaion ! squared at that temp, and the susceptibility. ! ! "energy" Contains four columns: each temperature, the ! average energy at that temp, the ave energy squared ! at that temp, and the heat capacity. implicit none ! Variable declarations: integer :: i, j, m, n, m2, n2 , ispin ! dummy integers integer, allocatable :: A(:,:) ! matrix containing spins integer :: nrows, ncols ! number of rows and cols of A integer :: ConfigType ! starting configuration type integer :: npass ! number of passes for MC algorithm integer :: ipass ! the current pass number integer :: nequil ! number of equilibration steps integer :: trial_spin ! values of changed spin integer :: randseed ! random number seed integer :: output_count ! # times things have been added to averages integer :: nscans ! number of scans (each at diff T) integer :: iscan ! current scan number logical :: MovieOn ! set to .true. to make movie of 1 temp real :: deltaU ! change in energy between 2 configs real :: log_eta ! log of random number to compare to real :: magnetization ! magnetization of all spins in lattice real :: magnetization_ave ! cumulative average magnetization real :: magnetization2_ave ! cumulative average of mag. squared real :: energy ! energy of all spins in lattice real :: energy_ave ! cumulative average of energy real :: energy2_ave ! cumulative average of energy squared real :: temp, beta ! temperature, inverse temperature real :: high_temp ! starting temp for scan real :: low_temp ! final temp for scan real :: temp_interval ! interval between scan points print*, "________________MONTE CARLO 2D ISING MODEL________________" print*, "Monte Carlo Statistics for 2D Ising Model with" print*, " periodic boundary conditions." print*, "The critical temperature is approximately 2.3, as seen on" print*, " Chandler p. 123." ! Read in input parameters from file "" open(unit=11,file='',status='old',action='read') read(11,*);read(11,*) nrows read(11,*);read(11,*) ncols read(11,*);read(11,*) npass read(11,*);read(11,*) nequil read(11,*);read(11,*) high_temp read(11,*);read(11,*) low_temp read(11,*);read(11,*) temp_interval read(11,*);read(11,*) randseed read(11,*);read(11,*) ConfigType read(11,*);read(11,*) MovieOn close(11) ! Set the dimensions of the matrix of spin arrays. This program uses ! periodic boundary conditions, so the first two rows and columns are ! the same as the last two. I.e. so if nrows=4, then the lattice is ! arranged as 123412. We have to ensure that this pattern is maintained ! as the spins are updated. allocate(A(nrows+2,ncols+2)) ! call srand(randseed) deltaU=ran1(-randseed) ! Open output files: open(unit=32,file='spin-array',status='replace',action='write') write(32,*) nrows write(32,*) ncols nscans = int((high_temp - low_temp)/temp_interval) + 1 if (MovieOn) then write(32,*) 51 write(32,*) 1 else write(32,*) nscans write(32,*) 2 endif open(unit=33,file='magnetization',status='replace',action='write') write(33,*) "# temp ave_magnetization ave_magnetization^2 susceptibility" open(unit=34,file='energy',status='replace',action='write') write(34,*) "# temp ave_energy ave_energy^2 C_v" scan_loop: do iscan = 1, nscans ! Scan the temperature temp = high_temp - temp_interval*(iscan-1) print*, "Running program for T =", temp ! Initialize variables beta = 1.0/temp output_count = 0 energy_ave = 0.0 energy2_ave = 0.0 magnetization_ave = 0.0 magnetization2_ave = 0.0 ! Set up the initial spin configuration. select case(ConfigType) case(1) ! checkerboard setup A(1,1) = 1 do i = 1, nrows+1 A(i+1,1) = -A(i,1) enddo do j = 1, ncols+1 A(:,j+1) = -A(:,j) enddo ! (note: the requirement that nrows and ncols are even is to ! ensure that the first two rows/cols start out the same as the ! last two) case(2) ! interface do i = 1, nrows+2 do j = 1, (ncols+2)/2 A(i,j) = 1 enddo do j = (ncols+2)/2 + 1, ncols+2 A(i,j) = -1 enddo enddo case(3) ! unequal interface do i = 1, nrows+2 do j = 1, (ncols+2)/4 A(i,j) = 1 enddo do j = (ncols+2)/4 + 1, ncols+2 A(i,j) = -1 enddo enddo case(4) ! random if(iscan.eq.1)then !use a random configuration of spins do i = 1, nrows+2 do j = 1, ncols+2 if(ran1(5).gt.0.5) then ! if(rand().gt.0.5) then A(i,j) = 1 else A(i,j) = -1 endif enddo enddo ! If not, just use the A from the higher temperature endif case default print*, "Error! Check ConfigType parameter in" stop end select if(sum(abs(A)).ne.(ncols+2)*(nrows+2)) then write(6,*) 'error on initial A' stop end if ! Main loop containing Monte Carlo algorithm: MC_passes: do ipass = 0, npass ! If MovieOn is .true., write the spin array to an output every ! npass/50 steps. if ((MovieOn) .and. (mod(ipass,npass/50) == 0)) then do i = 2, nrows+1 do j = 2, ncols+1 write(32,*) A(i,j) enddo enddo endif ! If ipass is greater than nequil (the number of equilibration steps), ! calculate the magnetization and energy: if (ipass > nequil) then output_count = output_count + 1 magnetization = abs(sum(A(2:nrows+1,2:ncols+1)))/float(nrows*ncols) magnetization_ave = magnetization_ave + magnetization magnetization2_ave = magnetization2_ave + magnetization**2 energy = 0.0 do i = 2, nrows + 1 do j = 2, ncols + 1 energy = energy - A(i,j)*(A(i-1,j)+A(i+1,j)+A(i,j-1)+A(i,j+1)) enddo enddo ! Divide the energy by the total number of spins to get the ave ! energy per spin, and divide by 2 to account for double counting. energy = energy/(2.0*nrows*ncols) energy_ave = energy_ave + energy energy2_ave = energy2_ave + energy**2 endif ! do ispin=1,nrows*ncols ! one pass randomly through the lattice ! Randomly choose a spin to change: ! m = nint((nrows-1)*ran1(5) + 2) ! choose a random row ! n = nint((ncols-1)*ran1(5) + 2) ! choose a random column ! m = nint((nrows-1)*rand() + 2) ! choose a random row ! n = nint((ncols-1)*rand() + 2) ! choose a random column do m=2,nrows+1 do n=2,ncols+1 !if( write(6,*) 'm,n=',m,n !if( write(6,*) 'm,n=',m,n trial_spin = -A(m,n) ! trial spin value ! Find change in energy (deltaU) due to trial move. ! If exp(-beta*deltaU) > eta, where eta is random, accept move: deltaU = -2.0*trial_spin*(A(m-1,n)+A(m+1,n)+A(m,n-1)+A(m,n+1)) !Enew-Eold log_eta = dlog(ran1(5) + 1.0d-10) ! random number 0-1 (+ tiny offset) ! log_eta = dlog(rand() + 1.0d-10) ! random number 0-1 (+ tiny offset) if (-beta*deltaU > log_eta) then ! accept the change A(m,n) = trial_spin ! Impose periodic boundary conditions 123412 ! A(nrows+2,n) = A(2,n) ! A(1,n) = A(nrows+1,n) ! A(m,ncols+2) = A(m,2) ! A(m,1) = A(m,ncols+1) if (m == 2) A(nrows+2,n) = trial_spin if (m == nrows+1) A(1,n) = trial_spin if (n == 2) A(m,ncols+2) = trial_spin if (n == ncols+1) A(m,1) = trial_spin endif enddo enddo ! enddo enddo MC_passes ! Write final spin array to output file if (.not. MovieOn) then do i = 2, nrows + 1 do j = 2, ncols + 1 write(32,*) A(i,j) enddo enddo endif write(33,'(2x,f10.6,3x,f14.10,3x,f14.10,3x,f14.10,3x,f14.10)') temp, abs(magnetization_ave/(output_count)), & magnetization2_ave/(output_count), & (beta*(nrows*ncols))*(magnetization2_ave/output_count - (magnetization_ave/output_count)**2), & (beta*(nrows*ncols))*(magnetization2_ave/output_count) write(34,'(2x,f10.6,3x,f14.10,3x,f14.10,3x,f14.10)') temp, energy_ave/(output_count), & energy2_ave/(output_count), & (beta**2*(nrows*ncols))*(energy2_ave/output_count - (energy_ave/output_count)**2) enddo scan_loop close(32) close(33) close(34) print*, "Program ising.f90 complete!" print*, "Look at 'spin-array' with IDL program" contains !_______RANDOM NUMBER GENERATING FUNCTION______! real function ran1(idum) implicit none double precision :: r(97) integer, intent(IN) :: idum save integer, parameter :: M1=259200,IA1=7141,IC1=54773 real, parameter :: RM1=1.0d0/M1 integer, parameter :: M2=134456,IA2=8121,IC2=28411 real, parameter :: RM2=1.0d0/M2 integer, parameter :: M3=243000,IA3=4561,IC3=51349 integer :: IX1, IX2, IX3, jjj integer :: iff=0 if (idum < 0 .or. iff == 0) then iff = 1 IX1 = mod(IC1-idum,M1) IX1 = mod(IA1*IX1+IC1,M1) IX2 = mod(IX1,M2) IX1 = mod(IA1*IX1+IC1,M1) IX3 = mod(IX1,M3) do jjj = 1,97 IX1 = mod(IA1*IX1+IC1,M1) IX2 = mod(IA2*IX2+IC2,M2) r(jjj) = (dfloat(IX1)+dfloat(IX2)*RM2)*RM1 end do end if IX1 = mod(IA1*IX1+IC1,M1) IX2 = mod(IA2*IX2+IC2,M2) IX3 = mod(IA3*IX3+IC3,M3) jjj = 1+(97*IX3)/M3 if (jjj > 97 .or. jjj < 1) then write(6,*) 'error in ran1' stop endif ran1 = r(jjj) r(jjj) = (dfloat(IX1)+dfloat(IX2)*RM2)*RM1 end function ran1 end program ising