
If "c" is the mean sound speed, so that c2 represents a mean gas temperature T, then:

  • GM/(c2R) ~ 1 gives the equilibrium radius of a spherical star of mass M.

  • GM/(c2R) represents the ratio of |Egrav| to Ethermal in a protostellar gas cloud.

  • GM/(c2R) ~ 1 gives the Jeans mass of a spherically symmetric protostellar gas cloud.

If, upon contraction, M is constant and P ~ rg , then

T ~ c2 ~ rg - 1 ,
R ~ r- 1/3 ,
|Egrav|/Ethermal ~ r4/3 - g .

Note the significance of the exponent value g = 4/3 and, hence, the slope dlnT/dlnr = 1/3.
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