Computer-Generated Holography (CGH)

Joel E. Tohline, Professor
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Louisiana State University

I. Apertures that are Parallel to the Image Screen:
  1. One-dimensional Aperture
  2. Two-dimensional, Rectangular Aperture
  3. Relevance to Holograms
  4. Caution and Words of Wisdom
II. Apertures that are Tilted with Respect to the Image Screen:
  1. One-dimensional Aperture
  2. Two-Dimensional, Rectangular Aperture
  3. Euler Angle Coordinate Transformations
III. Building Holograms from VRML Files:
  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding How Object Surfaces are Specified in VRML Files
  3. Triangular Aperture


See also the list of references supplied by Mark Lucente in his 1994, MIT Ph.D. Dissertation.

Other interesting and useful links regarding CGH:

| Tohline's Home Page | PHYS 2411 | PHYS 4412 |
| CGH index | Preface | 1D Slit |