PHYS 2411

Fall Semester, 1998

Instructor: Joel E. Tohline

Course Outline
Page last updated:

Month Date Room
August 20 Lab131
Course Demands & Requirements;
Assessing Student Backgrounds;
Establishing student e-mail and unix accounts;
Overview of Laboratory Facilities [see LSU computers];
  • Middleton 101, 232, 241
  • CEBA 1302
  • [soon also Student Union and Chemistry Library]
  • 21 218 Basic Computer Architectures;
    Common Operating Systems;
    Common Compilers and Interpreters
    26 218 Bits, bytes, bauds and powers of 2; Unicode and IEEE Arithmetic Standards; [see data types]
    27 Lab131
    Introduction to the Unix Operating System;
    Introduction to the "vi" Editor [see tutorial]
    28 218 IEEE representation of floating point numbers;
    [see floating point]
    September 2 218
    3 Lab131
    Perfecting use of the "vi" Editor;
    Introduction to HTML
    4 218
    9 218
    10 Lab131
    Developing a Functional Homepage on the Web.
    11 218
    16 218
    September 17 Lab131
    EXAM #1

    Relevant HyperText Links

    Evolving from Calculators to Computers (Early Computing at Los Alamos).
    vi Tutorial.

    | Syllabus | Textbooks |
    | Calendar | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |