

   This java applet draws an uncolored equilateral triangle
   into the window of a web browser that reads in an arbitrary 

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.*;

public class casting extends Applet {
   int x1 = 10;
   int y1 = 10;
   int half, width;
   float sqrt_3Over2 = 0.866025F;

   public void init () {
      Integer length = new Integer(getParameter( "sideLength" ));
              width  = length.intValue();
      Float   xHalf  = new Float(sqrt_3Over2 * length.floatValue());
      half           = xHalf.intValue();

   public void paint (Graphics gc){
      gc.drawLine(x1,          y1, x1 + width,   y1     );
      gc.drawLine(x1 + width,  y1, x1 + width/2, y1+half);
      gc.drawLine(x1,          y1, x1 + width/2, y1+half);