S3 Calibration Data Quality Flag

Gabriela Gonzalez, March 3, 2004

I created a list of minutes with bad or missing calibration in S3 segments for all three interferometer, in the text files L1CalDQ.txt, H1CalDQ.txt, H2CalDQ.txt. The files have four columns: We used the the V1 "official calibration", found in the links in the S3 calibration web page. When no V1 calibration data is available for any time in a science segment, the DQ file has a string "no data" next to the science segment number.
The values for alpha, beta, and alpha*beta; and the "bad" calibration values in the text files listed above are plotted, for each science segment, in the folders L1Plots, H1Plots and H2Plots. In these plots, the solid vertical lines indicate the boundaries of the science segment; the solid horizontal lines indicate the servo stability boundary for the values of the open loop gain alpha*beta; the dashed lines indicate the boundaries used to determine valid calibration values (20% away from the servo stability). We used the Matlab scripts L1CalibDQbit.m, H1CalibDQbit.m, H2CalibDQbit.m to make the calibration DQ files and plots. These files use as inputs the S3L1v00_segs.txt , S3H1v00_segs.txt , and S3H2v00_segs.txt list of segments prepared by Keith Riles and Peter Shawhan in the S3 Segment Data Quality Repository; and the list of alpha, beta values in S3 Calibration V.1
Some notes on the results: